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Useful Japanese phrases for traveling Vol. 1 English Ver.

  1. おはようございます (O-hayo gozaimasu) - Good morning

  2. こんにちは (Kon-nichiwa) -Hello

  3. こんばんは (Konbanwa) -Good evening

Japanese has a different greetings for different times.

You will use 1 in the morning, 2 in the midday and 3 in the night.

Although, you will hear 2 a lot in the situation that you meet somebody for the first time at any time of day.

  1. ありがとうございます (Arigato gozaimasu) -Thank you very much

  2. ありがとう (Arigato) -Thank you

  3. どういたしまして (Douitashimashite) -You're welcome

The difference of these two words are the politeness. 1 is more polite than 2.

I recommend you to use 1. If somebody said those words (Arigato or Arigato gozaimasu) to you, you should respond by saying 3.

Yes or No
  1. はい (hai) -Yes

  2. いいえ (iie) -No

If you want to say yes or no, say 1 or 2!

When you're lost
  1. おたずねしてもいいですか? (Otazuneshitemo iidesuka?) May I ask you?

When you're lost, and you want to ask the place of your destination or the place you are, the first thing to do is ask 1. People will respond by;

"Hai iidesuyo" "hai) =yes

"Sumimasen" "Gomen-nasai" =no

You can also say it by;

すみません (Sumimasen) Excuse me

This one doesn't require yes or no so you can start asking question in the same sentence as すみません.

2. Xを話せますか? (X wo hanasemasuka?) Can you speak X language?

X= the language that you can speak

English = 英語 Eigo

French = フランス語 Furansugo

Spanish = スペイン語 Supeingo

German = ドイツ語 Doitsugo

Korean =韓国語 Kankokugo

Chinese =中国語 Chugokugo


If you are translating by a translator app, make sure that "語" ←this charactor is in the sentence. (語 means "the language of")

*It doesn't mean all Japanese can speak English or other language. (It has been more popular to study English in Japan but it still doesn't cover the whole population. For other languages, it's incredibly rare to find one who speaks it)

3, XXはどこですか? (XXwa dokodesuka?) Where is XX?

XX= the place that you want to go

Ex) Where is Tokyo station? = 東京駅はどこですか?(Tokyo eki wa dokodesuka?)

XX Station =  XX駅 = XX Eki

XX Underground station =  地下鉄のXX駅 = Chikatetsuno XX eki

XX Bus stop =  XXのバス停 = XX no basutei

When you couldn't understand
  1. もう一度お願いします (Mouichido onegai shimasu) Could you repeat that one more time please.

Use this when you didn't hear or understand what the person just said.

2.日本語が話せません (Nihongo ga hanasemasen) I can't speak Japanese.

If you are not comfortable with Japanese, you can say this and ask them to speak English or other language.

Thank you,

K. F


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